Altar Servers

More info
- Jose Luis Acosta
- Coordinator
- Parish Office
- (305) 593-6123
- (305) 463-0542
The Ministry of Altar Servers includes children and young people interested in serving the Lord during weekend liturgies. Along with assisting the priests, Altar Servers participate fully in the mass; through prayer, singing and their respect for the Word of God.
Candidates are required to have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion before serving.
We give a warm welcome to all young people interested in joining this ministry. We encourage you to complete the registration form and send it to the parish office. After a training session, candidates will be included in upcoming liturgies. We appreciate the assistance of parents who also support this ministry.
Don Bosco Ministry

More Info
- (786) 505-6022
The Don Bosco Ministry’s vision is to guide and support the members of the Doral Community towards a better life in the areas of Immigration and Citizenship, Job Search, Health and Well-Being, Finance and Education in various topics. Our members act as facilitators by organizing talks, fairs and events that seek to accomplish our goals.
Eucharistic Ministries

More Info
- Werner Reinefeld
- Coordinator
- emholycommunion@guadalupedoral...
- Parish Office
- (305) 593-6123
- (305) 463-0542
Registration Form
- To open the Registration Form, please Click Here
The Eucharist Minister is responsible for bringing the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the people of God during Mass. This is one of the duties of ordained ministers (priests and deacons) in their service as "Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion"; however, committed lay men and women may help priests and deacons in this duty as designated "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion".
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should have received the sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation, be at least 25 years old and desire to live the message of the Gospel in their lives. If married, it must be by the Catholic Church, and they should participate faithfully in every Sunday Mass.
Interested candidates should send a letter to the parish priest expressing their desire to serve in this ministry. Once accepted as a candidate, you must take a special course in the Archdiocese of Miami or in our Parish. After passing the course you will receive the diocesan license of "Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister".
Extraordinary Ministers of Our Lady of Guadalupe not only enable us to experience the fullness of the Eucharist at Mass; but also bring our Lord to the sick and homebound.

More Info
- Barbara Romani
- Coordinator
Registration Form
- To open the Registration Form, please Click Here
Lectors are parishioners who have volunteered to serve during Sunday liturgies, holy days and feast days. They are responsible for communicating with an understandable and clear voice the Word of God during the celebration of mass.
This Ministry shares the message of God to the congregation and thereby inspires and educates the assembly with a message of hope and redemption. Interested candidates should send a letter to the Parish priest expressing their desire to serve in this Ministry. Once accepted, an initial training is provided.
Prayer Request

More info
- Freddy Reyes
- Coordinator
- Parish Office
- (305) 593-6123
- (305) 463-0542
Registration Form
- To open the Registration Form, please Click Here
We are a group of dedicated volunteers of the Catholic Church Our Lady of Guadalupe in Doral, Florida United States, who believe in the power of prayer.
Jesus himself said:
"...Whatever you ask in your prayers with faith shall obtain. (Mt 21,22)
We are willing to unite as brothers to ask God for help and consolation for those who are suffering and is in need. We do for Love must triumph forever. This is an expression of love and brotherhood that we can work in the vineyard of the Lord. We are workers of the sentences in this large group of prayer and intercession of the Ministry of Intercession and Prayer of the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Doral, we found our room, a dwelling Prayer is an unparalleled influence on the development of Christian life.
Without the light of God, in fact, no man is saved. This makes the first steps and leads to the summit of perfection. So if you want to start having this Light of God, pray with us. Is an effective and accessible to all. In little time transforms the personality and elevates the ordinary life in a dialogue with God, making a conscious response of love.
The prayer of petition expresses a particular attitude of faith in our needs and prepares us to receive gifts for the coach. He wants the prayer exercise our desire, so that we become able to receive what He is willing to give. When the plea is made for the other is called intercession. God willing, in effect, that we love and pray for each other. Wants us to pray even for enemies and ask for the forgiveness of their sins.
Prayer is communion with God and a conversation with him. Prayer keeps the balance of the world, reconciliation with God, a bridge over temptations, barrier between us and afflictions. Prayer is a source of virtue and enlightenment of the mind, is cutting ax despair is a sign of hope, victory over sadness.
Prayer feeds the soul: she is the soul and blood to the body, and is gateway to God. Also gives a clean heart and pure. A clean heart can see God, you can talk to God and can see the love of God in others. If you're looking for God and do not know where to start, learn to pray and is committed to doing so. Fill out your information and we will gladly pray for your intentions will welcome you with open arms, not wait for time.
Click here if you want to leave your intention.
Respect Life Ministry

More Info
- North Dade Pregnancy
- North Dade PDF
- (786) 452-0266
- 1st Thursdays (Bilingual)
- 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM
- San Juan Diego Parish Center
The Respect Life Ministry exists to uphold the sanctity of each human life from conception to natural death. A ministry of the Archdiocese of Miami, we are faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
We seek to implement the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities:
“Our goal is to eliminate violence against unborn children, their mothers, and those who are dying. We unalterably oppose the use of violence in any form to achieve this objective, and we condemn the actions of those few who advocate otherwise. […] It is our hope and expectation that in focusing on the need to respect and protect the lives of the innocent unborn and those who are disabled, ill, or dying, we will help to deepen respect for the life of every human being. […] This pastoral plan calls upon all the resources of the Church its people, services, and institutions to pursue this effort with renewed energy and commitment in four major areas.
- Public Information and Education to deepen understanding of the sanctity of human life and the humanity of unborn children, the moral evil of intentionally killing innocent human beings whether at the beginning of life or at its end and the mission of the Church to witness to and serve all human life.
- Pastoral Care for women with problems related to pregnancy; for all who have been involved in abortion; for those who are disabled, sick, and dying, and their families and caregivers; for those who have lost loved ones to violent crime; and for those in prison sentenced to death.
- Public Policy efforts directed to restoring legal protection to the lives of unborn children and those vulnerable to pressures to end their lives by assisted suicide, and to providing morally acceptable alternatives to abortion and assisted suicide.
- Prayer and Worship directed to participation in the sacramental life of the Church and in programs of communal and individual prayer, that the culture of death that surrounds us today will be replaced by a culture of life and love.”
North Dade Pregnancy Help Center
- Pregnancy tests
- Limited ultrasound exams
- Pregnancy and post-partum counseling
- Information and referrals
- Earn While You Learn classes (EWYL): Women learn about fetal development and how to take care of their babies. During class they earn points which can be spent in the boutique.
- Project Joseph: Men learn about fetal development, finances, infant CPR, and how to be a supportive husband/partner, while earning points to spend in the boutique.
- Material Assistance and Boutique (diapers, formula, baby clothing, strollers, car seats, etc).
Sick and Homebound
More Info
- Parish Office
- (305) 593-6123
- (305) 463-0542
Registration Form
- To open the Registration Form, please Click Here
Coming soon...

More Info
- Alfonso Zarate (Coordinator)
- Magaly Hamm (Coordinator)
- Parish Office
- (305) 593-6123
- (305) 463-0542
Registration Form
- To open the Registration Form, please Click Here
Thank you for your interest in volunteering to be an usher. We are looking forward to welcoming parishioners to our church and you are a vital part of this ministry.
To usher each person into the presence of God by providing an atmosphere that is free of as many distractions as possible, yet maintain freedom, order, reverence and respect.
This ministry is more than just passing the offertory basket. Ushering is a form of Christian hospitality. The usher is the first impression of the church for those who are attending Mass. The usher is even more important than flowers and music in setting the environment for the Mass. Look at your ministry as being Christ to everyone you meet. Ushers have a tremendous responsibility in creating the right atmosphere for worship and fellowship.
Greet people with a smile and say “Welcome to Our Lady of Guadalupe, it is good to see you today!” As an usher, you are often the first impression people have of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We usher the people of God into the presence of God and we assist in ushering in the presence of God. We are called to insure the orderly conduct of the people of God in the House of God. We are spiritual gatekeepers.
Conditions to be Usher
People who are called to this ministry have a positive, loving, and welcoming attitude. All parishioners over 15 years can be Ushers. This service required humble, respectful and responsible individuals with social sensibility. Ushers are friendly people who welcome all ages and nationalities. Their faith enables them to see Christ's presence in individuals and in the gathered community of believers. Ushers are honest and dependable. They carry a dignity about themselves even when performing menial tasks.
Youth Ministry

More info
- Mr. Edward Herrera
- Text Only: (201) 214-1357
- Thursday 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
- San Juan Diego Parish Center
Open Arms: High School Group

Teens from 9th to 12th grades. Meets every Thursday from 7:30 AM to 8:30 PM.
Reuniones todos los Jueves de 7:30 PM a 9:30 PM.
Please visit their Instagram page
ETM: Young Adults Group / Grupo Jovenes adultos

Young Adults from 18 years old to 35 years old. Meets every Thursday from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM.
Reuniones todos los Jueves de 7:30 PM a 9:30 PM.
Young Adults Group: